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Heritage Polonia Program - Privacy Policy

Please read carefully.

Effective Date: May 1, 2024


Heritage Polonia Foundation ("Heritage Polonia," "we," "us," and "our") is committed to protecting your privacy when you ("you" or "your") use the Heritage Polonia Foundation website or mobile application (collectively, the "Site(s)"), access external websites linked to from the Sites, and engage with us via online forms, email, phone, and through mail. When you access, browse, or use the Sites – including but not limited to when you register for one of our activities – or engage with us via online forms, email, phone, or through the mail, information will be collected, transferred, processed, stored, and disclosed in accordance with this privacy policy (the "Policy").


By accessing, browsing, or using the Sites, or by engaging with us via online forms, email, phone, through the mail, or any other media, you expressly consent to the collection, transfer, use, processing, and storage of your information (including personally identifiable information) as described in this Policy. This Policy constitutes a legally binding agreement between Heritage Polonia and you, the user of this Site. By entering and using this Site, you acknowledge your acceptance of, and agree to be bound by, the Policy stated herein, our [Terms of Use] and all additional terms incorporated by reference herein. If you do not agree to this Policy, please do not access or use this Site. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS POLICY OR THE INFORMATION COLLECTION, USE, AND DISCLOSURE PRACTICES DESCRIBED IN THIS POLICY, DO NOT ENGAGE WITH US VIA ONLINE FORMS, EMAIL, PHONE, OR MAIL, AND DO NOT USE THE SITES OR CLICK TO INDICATE THAT YOU AGREE TO THESE TERMS WHEN SUCH CONSENT IS REQUESTED; in which case, we will be unable to provide you with the services of the Heritage Polonia Foundation.


1. Information Collection Practices

We may collect various types of information from users of this Site. For example, knowing how users use our Site – tracking their movement through this Site – helps us improve Site design and usefulness. As a result, Heritage Polonia’s server collects general data pertaining to users, including the length of time spent on this Site, the pages accessed while visiting the Site and Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Heritage Polonia generally does not, however, collect any personally identifiable information such as names, home addresses or e-mail addresses from users of this Site, unless a user submits such information to us via our “Contact” page.


To the extent that you provide us with any personally identifiable information through or in connection with this Site, we may use such information for Heritage Polonia’s business purposes, but will not disclose any personally identifiable information about you to anyone, except as permitted or required by law or regulation and to service providers. In providing personally identifiable information to Heritage Polonia, you consent to Heritage Polonia’s use of such personally identifiable information for the purposes described in this Policy.


Unfortunately, the transmission of information and data via the Internet is not completely secure. Although we make an effort to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of any information or data transmitted to or through our website; any transmission of information or data by you to or through this website is at your sole risk.


1.1. Information Provided by You


1.1.1. Heritage Polonia Foundation Website Use, Registration, and Applications – When completing forms on a Site in order to contact us or to subscribe to our communications, when registering a profile or account on a Site, when using a Site to complete an application to participate in a Heritage Polonia Foundation Program activity or in another program administered by us, or in a variety of other circumstances (including communications with us via online forms, email, phone, or mail), you may be asked to provide personally identifiable information, such as, but not limited to, your full name, date of birth, email address, telephone number, address, the names and contact information for third parties (such as a parent/guardian), other information related to your background and interests, and you may also be asked to provide health information as needed in consideration of the activities taking place (collectively, the “Personal Information”). By providing any such Personal Information, you consent to our collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure, and general use of such Personal Information in accordance with this Policy. Registration Through Social Sites – Rather than entering certain Personal Information directly on the Sites in order to register, we may provide the option to register by utilizing your credentials on a social media website such as Facebook (a “Social Site”). When you provide credentials for a Social Site via our Sites, we may use those credentials to obtain Personal Information about you from that Social Site and the Social Site may automatically track your activities within our Sites. You may still be asked to provide additional Personal Information to the extent the Social Site does not have all of the Personal Information we require. By registering your credentials through a Social Site in the manners noted, you consent to the transfer of your associated Personal Information to us and our collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure, and general use of such Personal Information in accordance with this Policy.


1.1.2. Deposit/Payment Processing – At the end of the application process for a Heritage Polonia Foundation activity or another program administered by us, you may be asked to pay a deposit or, for certain activities or programs, to make a payment (collectively, the “Deposit”), and will be redirected to a third-party payment site in order to do so (the “Payment Processor”). Heritage Polonia Foundation Program does not collect information in connection with your payment of a Deposit; rather all such information is collected directly by the Payment Processor. Therefore, once you are redirected to the Payment Processor’s website, in addition to providing Personal Information, you will also need to provide the Payment Processor with information related to your credit card, including but not limited to the name appearing on the credit card, the credit card billing address, the credit card shipping address, the credit card number, the credit card expiration date, the credit card security code, and related information (the “Credit Card Information”). By providing any such Credit Card Information during the application process or at any other time, you consent to our collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure, and general use of such Credit Card Information in accordance with this Policy.


1.1.3. Information You Provide to Program Organizers – To the extent you have applied to participate in a Heritage Polonia Foundation activity – or another program administered by us – you may, at various times, be asked to provide information to a Program Organizer who is responsible for running the activity or program you have selected (the “Program Organizer”). Please remember that any information you provide to a Program Organizer will be governed by that Program Organizer’s privacy policies and storage and processing of such information is the sole responsibility of the Program Organizer.


1.2. Automatically Collected Information


We will automatically collect some additional personally identifiable information about you when you use the Sites (the “Automatically Collected Personal Information”) and we incorporate tools into our Sites that allow such Automatically Collected Personal Information to simultaneously be collected and used by our “Ad Serving Providers” and by our “Analytics Providers,” as further defined herein. Automatically Collected Personal Information may include, but will not be limited to, your diagnostic log information, log-in location, IP address, operating system and language, referring/exit pages and URLs, browsing history, number of clicks, landing pages, cookie information, the pages you requested and viewed, the amount of time spent on particular pages, and the date and time. This information is collected for the purposes described in this Policy, including to better understand our constituent base and to improve the quality of the Sites. By using the Sites, you consent to our collection, transfer, processing, storage, disclosure, and general use of the Automatically Collected Personal Information in accordance with this Policy.


1.2.1. Ad Serving Providers


We use third-party Ad Serving Providers to serve ads and/or collect data on our behalf across the Internet and on our Sites. Some of these Ad Serving Providers may collect information about your visits to our Sites and your interaction with our products and services to tailor marketing messages on our Sites or to trigger real-time interaction, customize our Sites, or enhance your profile. Some of these Ad Serving Providers may be able to collect personal information that you share with our Sites automatically via a web form and prior to your pressing a submit button, and they may be able to use Automatically Collected Personal Information from your visits to our Sites to send marketing messages to you in a way that may personally identify you. This information is collected through the use of a cookie, a JavaScript tag, and/or pixel, as later defined within, which is industry-standard technology used by most major websites. The Automatically Collected Personal Information collected by these Ad Serving Providers may include your device’s IP address, user agent, email addresses (where hashed or otherwise rendered pseudonymous), and other user and device-level pseudonymous information. Please keep in mind that your browser settings may not permit you to control the technologies utilized by these companies. If you would like more information about these practices, please click:!/.


1.2.2. Analytics Providers


We use third-party Analytics Providers (such as Google) to collect information about usage of our Sites and about users of our Sites, including demographic and interest-level information. Analytics Providers use cookies and pixels, as defined herein, to collect demographic and interest-level information and usage information from Site users, including information about the pages viewed, time spent, browser, operating system, and IP address. Cookies and pixels allow the Analytics Providers to recognize when a user visits any of the Sites and when the user exits any of the Sites to explore another website or Social Site. The Analytics Providers use the information they collect from the Sites and other websites to share, with us and other website operators, conglomerated and anonymized information about users, including age range, gender, geographic regions, general interests, and details about devices used to visit websites and purchase items. We do not link information we receive from Analytics Providers with any of your Personal Information or Automatically Collected Personal Information. Please be sure to review any such privacy policies and terms of service to understand an Analytics Provider’s collection, use, and sharing practices. For more information regarding Google’s use of cookies, pixels, and collection and use of information, see the Google Privacy Policy ( If you would like to opt out of Google Analytics tracking, please visit the following link: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on (


1.2.3. Cookies


A cookie is a small data file that is downloaded to your device when you visit a website or use an application. When you return to the website or application, or another website/application that recognizes that cookie, the cookie is sent to the website/application in order to enhance your experience while using the website/application. See the Sections titled “Cookie Usage” and “Online Tracking and your Choices” below for more information on how we use cookies and how the Sites may respond to your browser settings. We do not control the use of cookies by our Ad Serving Providers, our Analytics Providers, or by other third parties.


1.2.4. Pixels


Pixels are tiny graphics with unique identifiers that are used to track the online movements of web users. Unlike cookies, which are stored on a user’s computer hard drive, pixels are small graphics that are about the size of the period at the end of the sentence that are embedded invisibly on Sites pages. Our Ad Serving Providers and Analytics Providers may place pixels on pages of our Sites that track what other websites you visit (both before and after visiting the Sites). Our Ad Serving Providers and Analytics Providers use information obtained from pixels to help us improve our business and the Sites. We do not control the use of pixels by our Ad Serving Providers, our Analytics Providers, or by other third parties.


2. Information Use Practices


2.1. In General

In general, we may use any Personal Information, Credit Card Information, or Automatically Collected Personal Information for the following reasons:


- Enabling you to participate in a Heritage Polonia Foundation or other program administered by us.

- Operating, maintaining, and improving the Sites (including providing you a more personal experience).

- Troubleshooting.

- Conducting research.

- Resolving disputes.

- Collecting fees owed.

- Detecting and protecting against errors, fraud, and criminal activity.

- Assisting law enforcement.

- Enforcing this Policy and any other terms or conditions related to the Sites.

- Any other purpose as further enumerated in this Policy or that we describe to you at the time of collection.


2.2. Communications

We may use your Personal Information and Automatically Collected Personal Information to send you emails or other communications related to the Heritage Polonia Foundation or other program administered by us, the Sites, or in response to your inquiries or requests. You may not opt-out of receiving service-related messages that are not promotional in nature. We may also send you marketing emails, surveys, or newsletters, including via mail, to notify you about products or services that may be of interest to you. If you would like to stop receiving marketing emails from us, please click on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any marketing email you receive or please contact us via phone or mail. If you opt-out, you will only continue to receive service-related emails.


2.2.1. Providing Customer Support with Regard to Deposits

After you pay your deposit through the Payment Processor, the Payment Processor will send Heritage Polonia Foundation limited information in connection with your deposit, namely, the name appearing on your credit card, your billing address, the date of the transaction, the amount, the last four digits of your credit card, and an associated transaction ID. Heritage Polonia Foundation stores such transaction information and associates it with your Personal Information and Automatically Collected Personal Information in order to provide you with limited customer support in connection with any deposit-related inquiries and to confirm whether a deposit was paid in connection with any application you have submitted. All other Credit Card Information, to the extent collected, is only used by the Payment Processor for purposes of payment processing or as may be required by law, as further described herein. Such information is processed and retained in accordance with the law requirements.


2.3. Anonymizing Information

We may use aggregated Personal Information and Automatically Collected Personal Information in an anonymized way for any lawful purpose, including analyzing trends, research, administration of the Sites, tracking movement around the Sites, and to improve our business and the Sites.


2.4. Retaining Your Information

In general, we will store your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and Transaction Information indefinitely, or as long as legally required or allowed under applicable law. Heritage Polonia Foundation may associate or link your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and your Transaction Information to other information or records we separately have in our possession.


2.5. Data Transfer

Our Sites and related systems are housed on cloud-based systems as well as on servers located in various countries. Accordingly, please note that information we collect from you (including through cookies) may be transferred to, processed in, and stored in countries outside of your country of residence or citizenship; such country may not offer the same level of privacy and data security protection as the country where you reside or are a citizen.


2.6. Information Sharing

In general, Heritage Polonia Foundation does not sell or rent any of your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, Credit Card Information, or Transaction Information with third parties for any purpose. However, Heritage Polonia Foundation may share certain of the information provided by you and/or collected from you for the limited purposes noted herein, namely:


- Sharing with Other Organizations: We may disclose your Personal Information and Automatically Collected Personal Information to affiliated and related entities or organizations, partners, and other not-for-profit entities, including with Trip Organizers. In some cases, the third party will act as a Joint Controller, along with Heritage Polonia Foundation, and use the data for similar or related needs as Heritage Polonia Foundation does. To receive information regarding the joint controller that holds your data, please contact us at


- Sharing with Ad Serving and Analytics Providers: As previously noted, by using the Sites, your Automatically Collected Personal Information is automatically collected by and shared with our Ad Serving and Analytics Providers.


- Sharing with other Third-Party Providers: Because we engage other third-party contractors or service providers to enable you to participate in the Heritage Polonia Foundation or another program administered by us (e.g., airlines) and to perform other services for Heritage Polonia Foundation, we may share your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and Transaction Information with such Third-Party Providers in connection with their provision of services for us; this may include sharing your information with Third-Party Providers that will send you promotional materials related to our products and communicate with you for other marketing purposes. Use of any such information by a Third-Party Service Provider will be subject to this Policy or an agreement that is at least as restrictive as this Policy.


- Sharing of Anonymized Information: We may share your Anonymized Information with Ad Serving Providers, Analytics Providers, Payment Processors, Third-Party Providers, or other third-party entities, for any lawful purpose, including analyzing trends, research, administration of the Sites, tracking user movements around the Sites, and to improve our business, products, services, and the Sites.


2.7. Cookie Usage

When you access the Sites, view or interact with our Site content, or otherwise communicate with us digitally, we may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to:


- Understand the behavior of users on the Sites.

- Track which parts of the Sites people have visited.

- Understand the profile of the users of the Sites.

- Make our Sites as convenient and personal as possible, for example, by keeping you signed in.

- Provide certain services that require the use of cookies, such as online registration for the Heritage Polonia Foundation or another program administered by us.

- Measure the effectiveness of our online advertising or how often our content is viewed.

- Determine which email messages we sent to you were opened, whether you clicked on any links in the emails and interacted with any of the contained content, and to optimize your email experience.

- Analyze your Personal Information and Automatically Collected Personal Information – including your location, products and/or services requested, age, time zone, IP address, and URL visited – against our wider customer base for internal business purposes, such as generating statistics and developing marketing plans, to improve our services and products, the Sites, and our content.

- For tailored advertising purposes – for example, we may use your Personal Information and Automatically Collected Personal Information to provide you with tailored advertising on third-party sites, including Social Sites, including advertisements that are either “contextual” (meaning they are presented due to the webpage that you are viewing) or “behavioral” or “interest-based” (i.e., where advertisements are shown to you based upon your interests which we have inferred from your information including demographic, geographic and interest-based data). We may use tailored advertising to specifically include or exclude individuals who have registered for our products and services that are most relevant to you.

- Matching your browsing activity on one device (such as your mobile phone) with your browsing activity on another device (such as your tablet) to ensure our advertising is tailored to you. To allow us to do this, our Ad Serving Providers and Analytics Providers may share information, including your browsing patterns, geo-location, and device identifiers, and we will match that information to the information in our user base as a whole by identifying the browser and devices that appear to be used by the same person. To learn more about how we share your information, please see above.

- Additionally, when you: i) sign in to a Site using a Social Site; ii) access Social Sites through the Sites; and/or iii) submit content to Social Sites using any of the Sites; that Social Site may use cookies and similar technologies to collect data about user behavior for their own purposes. This use of cookies is in line with that third party’s own cookie policy, over which we have no control.


2.8. Legal Requirements

In some cases, we may disclose any of your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, or Transaction Information:


- as required by law;

- if we believe that disclosure is needed to protect our rights;

- to government regulators;

- to law enforcement authorities;

- in connection with any judicial proceeding, court order, subpoena, or legal process served on us or the Sites;

- to address health needs; and

- to respond to a physical threat to you or another person.


2.9. Insolvency and Business Transitions

If we ever file for bankruptcy or engage in a business transition such as a merger with another company, or if we purchase, sell, or reorganize all or a part of the Sites or our business or assets, we may disclose your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and Transaction Information to third parties, including to prospective or actual purchasers, in connection with one of these transactions. Any successor entity may become entitled to all information about you that we have stored.


2.10. Disclaimer

We cannot ensure that your information will never be disclosed in ways not otherwise described in this Policy. For example, third parties may unlawfully intercept or access transmissions or private communications. You affirm your understanding that no transmission of data over the Internet can be 100% secure.


3. Online Tracking and your Choices

We have set out below the ways you can manage your cookie and related preferences across your browser and your mobile device. You are welcome to block the use of some or all of the cookies and similar technologies we use on our Sites. However, please be aware that doing so may impair some features and/or services on our Sites and their functionality or may even render some or all Site elements unusable. Additionally, added functionality which is provided by personalization technologies will likely not work, impairing our ability to provide content or products which are most relevant to you. You should also be aware that clearing all cookies from your browser will also delete any cookies that are storing your preferences, for example, whether you have accepted cookies on a website or any cookies that are blocking other cookies. Please also note that we do not respond to or honor “do not track" (a/k/a/ dnt) signals or similar mechanisms transmitted by web browsers.


3.1. Browser Settings

You can accept or reject some or all cookies (for example, blocking all third-party cookies) by adjusting your browser settings. Most browsers will tell you how to stop accepting new cookies, how to be notified when you receive a new cookie, and how to disable existing cookies. However, please be aware that when you disable cookies, some features and services on the Sites may not function properly and may cancel opt-outs that rely on cookies, such as web analytics. If you do not know how to do this, we encourage you to reference your browser’s “FAQs” or “Help” guide to learn more. Some browsers also allow you to change your settings to browse in “incognito” mode, limiting the amount of data placed on your machine and automatically deleting any persistent cookies placed on your device when you finish your browsing session.


3.2. Cookies

Information regarding how you access this Site (e.g., browser type, access times and Internet Protocol (IP) address) and your hardware and software is automatically collected through the use of cookies (a small text file placed on your hard drive) or other technologies or tools. This information is used to improve Site performance and for our business purposes. Where cookies are not necessary for us to provide the products or services you have requested or for the functioning of this website, we will ask you to consent to their use. You may opt-in to accept cookies automatically by changing the settings on your browser. If you opt-out of certain cookies, you may not be able to access certain parts of this Site. You may wish to visit, which contains comprehensive information about types of cookies, how they are used and how you manage your cookie preferences.

For your mobile device, you can understand which third parties have currently enabled cookies on your mobile device and how to opt-out of some of those cookies by accessing the Network Advertising Initiative's website at from your mobile device. On your mobile device, you may also select “Limit Ad Tracking” (on iOS devices) or “Opt out of Interest-Based.

You may access any personally identifiable information we have about you by contacting us at


3.3. Web Beacons

By setting your email account to display emails as text only, you may be able to prevent the use of some web beacons. However, please be aware that our emails won’t look as pretty and some functionality may be disabled. Please consult the "Help" section of your email client for more information. Alternatively, you can remove yourself completely from our mailing list by going to the bottom of any email from us and clicking on the relevant “unsubscribe” link in the emails you receive or by contacting us using the details found in the Section titled “Privacy Questions.”



4. Information Security Measures

Keeping secure personal information that we collect is of great concern to us. The Heritage Polonia Foundation Program maintains:

i) appropriate and reasonable physical, electronic, and managerial procedures;

ii) commercially appropriate and reasonable storage mechanisms (including backup, archive, and redundant data storage, on-site and off-site); and

iii) appropriate and reasonable precautions, in order to safeguard and secure Site user information as collected and stored, and to prevent the disclosure of, and loss or alteration of, any such information to unauthorized third parties. The Heritage Polonia Foundation Program also endeavors to reasonably ensure that any party with which it shares your information, as permitted by this Policy, also employs similar procedures, mechanisms, and precautions. However, no Internet or mobile transmission is ever fully secure or error-free, and therefore, the Heritage Polonia Foundation Program cannot guarantee that your information will not be accessed, deleted, or altered by an unauthorized third party, neither while it is in the Heritage Polonia Foundation Program's sole control nor in the event it has been shared as permitted under this Policy. Because most Internet and mobile transmissions are not encrypted, you should take special care in deciding what information you send via the Internet or other mobile transmission and that when you provide such information, it is at your own risk.


5. Children

The Sites are not for or directed towards children. You represent to Heritage Polonia that you have the authority to visit this Site according to the [Terms of Use]. This Site is only intended for individuals who are at least 18 years of age. We do not knowingly encourage or solicit visitors to this Site who are under the age of 18 or knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18 without parental consent. If we learn we have collected or received personal information from an individual under the age of 18, we will delete that information.

If you believe content from a child under the age of 13 has been provided via the Sites, please notify us by contacting us at


6. California Shine the Light Law

California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits California residents to request and obtain from us once a year, free of charge, a list of the third parties to whom we have disclosed “personal information” (as defined under that statute) of that California resident, for direct marketing purposes, in the preceding calendar year, and the categories of that kind of personal information that was disclosed to them. If you are a California resident and you wish to make such a request, you may contact us by using the contact information in the “Privacy Questions” section at the bottom of this Policy.


7. California Minors

If you are a California resident who is under age 18 and you are unable to remove publicly-available content that you have submitted to us, you may request removal by contacting us at: When requesting removal, you must be specific about the information you want removed and provide us with specific information, such as the URL for each page where the information is located, so that we can find it. We are not required to remove any content or information that: i) federal or state law requires us or a third party to maintain; ii) was not provided by you; iii) is anonymized so that you cannot be identified; iv) you don’t follow our instructions for removing or requesting removal; or v) you received compensation or other consideration for providing the content or information. Removal of your content or information from the Sites does not ensure complete or comprehensive removal of that content or information from our systems or the systems of any Trip Organizers, Payment Processors, Ad Serving Providers, Analytics Providers, Third-Party Providers, or of any other entity that we have shared your information with or that has collected it automatically through tools incorporated into the Sites. We are not required to delete the content or information posted by you; our obligations under California law are satisfied so long as we anonymize the content or information or render it invisible to other users and the public.

8. Residents of Countries with Comprehensive Data Protection Laws

If and only if you are a resident of the European Union or a country that has a comprehensive data protection law similar in scope to the European General Data Protection Regulation (collectively “DP Laws”), the collection, storage, and retention of your information may also be subject to the provisions of a DP Law. We endeavor to act in accordance with all applicable provisions of the relevant DP Law and to provide you with concise, transparent, understandable, and easily accessible information on the conditions for processing your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and Payment Information in clear and simple terms. You understand that the information we store, collect, and process about you is necessary to conduct our operations and facilitate your participation in our programs, including but not limited to information required to ensure eligibility and to prevent repeat participation in our programs, as well as for other legitimate purposes allowed under the applicable DP Law. In addition to any other rights or responsibilities you may have in connection with your agreement to the terms of this Privacy Policy, your rights are as follows:


8.1. The right to information on the processing of your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and Payment Information.


8.2. The right to access and rectify your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and Payment Information. The right of access allows you to obtain from us confirmation that your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and Payment Information has or has not been processed as well as the conditions of such processing, and to receive an electronic copy (for any additional copy, we are entitled to demand payment of any reasonable fees based on the administrative costs incurred).


8.3. The right to obtain from us the rectification of your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and Payment Information.


8.4. Subject to the exceptions provided by applicable law, you have the right to ask us to delete your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information when one of the following grounds applies:


8.4.1. Your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;


8.4.2. You wish to withdraw your consent on which the processing of your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information was based and there is no other basis justifying such processing;


8.4.3. You consider and can establish that your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information has been unlawfully processed;


8.4.4. Your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information must be deleted in accordance with a legal obligation.


8.5. The right to restrict the processing of your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information. The applicable regulations provide that this right may be invoked in certain cases, in particular the following:


8.5.1. When you dispute the accuracy of your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information;


8.5.2. When you consider and can establish that the processing of Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information is unlawful, but you oppose the deletion of Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information and demand instead that the processing be limited;


8.5.3. When we no longer need your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information but they are still necessary for you to establish, exercise, or defend your legal rights;


8.5.4. When you object to the processing that would be based on the legitimate interest of the Heritage Polonia Foundation Program, during the verification whether the legitimate grounds pursued by the controller prevail over those of the person in question.


8.6. The right to data portability. Namely, this allows you to receive the Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information you have provided to us with in a structured, commonly used format, and to transmit this Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information to another data controller without us hindering it.


8.7. The right to withdraw consent. Namely, when we process your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information on the basis of your consent, this latter may be withdrawn at any time using the means provided for this purpose (procedure indicated below of this Policy). On the other hand, and in accordance with applicable law, the withdrawal of your consent is only valid for the future and cannot therefore call into question the lawfulness of the processing carried out before this withdrawal.


8.8. If you wish to make such a request under any of the rights noted in this Section 8, you may contact us by using the contact information in the “Privacy Questions” section at the bottom of this Policy. In any such communication, please note your country of residence.


8.9. In the event of a conflict between the rights noted in this Section 8 and any rights or responsibilities you may have in connection with other Sections of this Privacy Policy, the rights noted in this Section 8 shall control.


9. Online Sessions Recording

The Heritage Polonia Foundation Program holds online sessions from time to time for different goals (Educational, research). These sessions may be recorded by the Heritage Polonia Foundation Program for internal use only and will not be shared with anyone outside of the Heritage Polonia Foundation Program. A participant that does not want to be recorded, but still would like to participate, can turn off the microphone and the camera and use the chat to communicate.


10. Managing Your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and Payment Information

You may request access to or correct an error or omission in your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information. If the above Section 8 applies to you, you can also withdraw your consent in connection with your Personal Information, Automatically Collected Personal Information, and/or Payment Information in connection with your rights as noted in Section 8. You may communicate any relevant information requests by contacting us at or writing to us at: Heritage Polonia Foundation, 4400 Q street NW 20007 Washington DC. We will make good faith efforts to resolve requests under this Section except where the request is unreasonable, requires disproportionate technical effort or expense, jeopardizes the privacy of others, or would be impractical.


11. Modification of the Policy

 We reserve the right to amend this Policy from time to time and for any reason, in our sole discretion, without notice, by updating this Policy. Accordingly, users are strongly encouraged to review our Policy regularly. If we decide to change our Policy, we will post those changes so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. If at any point we decide to collect personal information or use any collected information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify users by posting changes on this page. We will use information only in accordance with this Policy under which the information was collected. Your continued access or use of this Site following the posting of changes to this Policy means that you accept such revisions, changes and/or amendments. If you object to any of the changes to this Policy, please stop accessing this Site. Please check this page frequently and review any changes to this Policy carefully so you are aware of any changes, as they are binding on you.


12. Privacy Questions

If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please email us at:

Terms of Use

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