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We'd love to hear from you.

The goal of Heritage Polonia is to help create closer ties and understanding between Poland and the United States. Through this effort, we not only promote and preserve our shared values and heritage but also inspire our young people —our greatest resource —to be the change in the world they want to see. 

If you have questions about our program or goals, suggestions for improvements, or just want to send us a note of encouragement (we love those!) please don’t hesitate to write us and you’ll hear from us soon!



Thank you for your message! While you wait for our response, feel free to check out our FAQ section for quick answers to common questions.

Heritage Polonia is funded by the Heritage Polonia Foundation, which is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 92-1507313. Your donation not only makes a significant impact on our mission but may also offer tax benefits. Join us in creating a legacy of Polish-American relations.

© 2024 Heritage Polonia | 4400 Q street NW, Washington DC 20007

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